1539 N. 33rd Place, Suite A Sheboygan, WI

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18 Years of Volunteer Service

The trail ambassador program has been serving the State of Wisconsin for 18 years. Started in 2002, we have trained over 1,000 volunteers around the state. The program has evolved to keep up with industry trends.

Increase Club Participation

Local clubs are the heart of any outdoor recreation system. The trail ambassador program encourages participation in local clubs.
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A Presence On the Trails

The trail ambassador program has a proud presence on the trail systems it serves. The presence of our volunteers reassure the general public there is a group watching over them and the trail system they are enjoying.
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Increase Safety for Other Users

From reporting dangerous conditions on the trail system to talking with riders about how to enjoy their sport while taking the necessary precautions to protect themselves are one of the many duties of a trail ambassador.
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Engage in Community Events

Outdoor recreation often involves community events. These events, such as environmental clean up, fundraising to support infrastructure and other events help raise funds to operate and often expand the current trail network.
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A Proven Success

The trail ambassador program was kicked off in 2002 under the NOHVIS Group Inc., in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Proven History

The trail ambassador program has been administered by the NOHVIS Group Inc. We have a long history of successful accomplishments and will continue to serve Wisconsin's residents and guests.

Lasting Partnerships

The trail ambassador program under the NOHVIS Group Inc. has formed partnerships with the US Forest Service, Wisconsin DNR, Wisconsin DOT, various county agencies and many local organizations. These partnerships continue to expand and grow as we grow our program.

Adapting for the Future

The trail ambassador program continues to expand and adapt to changing industry trends. Our leadership team reviews the program annually and receives feedback from our volunteers and riders on how we can improve the program.
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Multiple Divisions

The trail ambassador program spans multiple sports (broken up into divisions). Each division shares a common core training program while receiving specialized training for their sport. Our divisions are sponsored by a statewide organization to help oversee specific operations.

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Division 1: Wisconsin ATV / UTV
Division 2: Wisconsin Coalition of 4WD
Your Sport?
We are looking to expand!